[ You can listen in Spanish Prólogo al Cancionero de Mirlo here ] .
Dear friends,
Spring with its sudden changes in the weather and in our humor is already here.
In these times everything looks in fast transformation, and changes are too often imposed inevitably. For me, this is the time to protect what you feel it is actually essential… for survival, just like so many mothers usually do with their children. It is time to preserve what we value most, especially if we think of the youngest.
Cancionero de Mirlo is precisely a selection of essential stories and emotions, which have been accompanying humanity for hundreds and even thousands of years… It is an introduction to everlasting characters and heroes. I, Mirlo, made the selection for a very curious toddler, and his mother drew some illustrations for him.
That mother, Georgina, retold them to her son Manuel, who at that time could not read yet. This way, they shared great stories, which had inspired great composers like Monteverdi, Vivaldi, Glück and Mozart. So, Georgina and Manuel listened together carefully to their music and met Orfeo, Ulises, Neptuno, Minerva and Penelope, also Orlando Furioso, and Papageno and Papagena as well… and finally they dared to sing along some of their songs!
Today we bring for our friends this Songbook by Mirlo, including: Canción de Orfeo, Canción de Ulises, Canción de Orlando, y Canción de Papageno.

NOW on sale:
NEW eBook - Cancionero de Mirlo- [in Spanish] 3 € buy it HERE
Digital Cards - A Songbook by Mirlo - NFTs on sale HERE
+ The prologue, which you can listen to in the podcast on top of this post, is actually a tale introducing how I offered this Songbook as a present.
By the way, in Mirlo Music’s store you can find some other new special products: T-shirts and mugs. Buying such products you also help us keep producing our editions…. But about this we will come with more information in upcoming newsletters.
If you got here by chance, thanks for reading. And if you liked this corner, pleas subscribe and tell your friends.
See you soon,