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#3 El niño que soñaba con ver el mar (The boy who dreamed of going to the sea)
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -4:47

#3 El niño que soñaba con ver el mar (The boy who dreamed of going to the sea)

Al encuentro de Mirlo #3 / How I met Mirlo #3

Los cuentos de Mirlo continuan: el niño por fin va a conocer el mar donde descubre cómo pueden expresar los colores y tienen matices… Noche tras noche, en sus sueños, el niño hace suyas esas experiencias.
Por eso, si después de escuchar este cuento quieres que te contemos más, sigue atento aquí.



Mirlo’s little stories continue with the boy going to the sea and discovering that colours can be of different kinds and express different things… Night after night, in his dreams the boy embraces these experiences.

Today’s story goes like this:

“Do you want me to tell you about the boy who dreamed of going to the sea?

Once there was a boy who had never been to the sea. Then in a day of Autumn, when his birds used to fly away looking for a new summer, they took him to visit the sea.

The first thing he saw was a blue line between the sky, and the ground made of white sand. When he got to the beach he realised the sand was warm. It was fine like sugar and it tickled his feet.

That was the beginning of the sea. But it was so big that you could not see where it ended. And its color was so… so… so… “And the see is always in that blue so… so… so…?”, he asked. “The sea is never the same because it changes his apparel every time the sky asks for it. If the sky is partying, it wears a turquoise blue or even emerald. Instead, if the sky is sad, the sea keeps him company and dresses in dark ultramarine blue. To say goodbye to the sun every evening it takes a golden cape, and when the moon gazes graciously, then the sea chooses the silver cape.” After a silence the boy exclaimed “Dark ultramarine blue, turquoise, emerald, gold, silver… I want to take home all the colours of the sea!” And his birds finally gave him this advise: “You can watch the sea colours in silence and keep them in your heart, so you can recall them when you go back home”.

The boy stood for a while in front of the sea, watching in silence… He then heard a whisper. I was the murmur of the sea!

And that night, when he went to bed that murmur cradled him, and he dreamed of turquoise, emerald, gold, silver and dark ultramarine blue.

This story does not end here, so subscribe to enjoy the rest of it.



  • D. Scarlatti: Sonata in F minor, K 466; Alessio Averone

Author/Narrator: Georgina García-Mauriño

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