Orlando's Song · an introduction to Vivaldi's Orlando Furioso
from Mirlo's Songbook - "Cancionero de Mirlo"
[Escucha el original en español aquí]
Orlando’s Song is a story for young children, included in Cancionero de Mirlo. Cancionero de Mirlo is a book (you can also have it in eBook format) that contains four “Songs” to help you share very special moments of music with the little ones. A few weeks ago, we shared the Prologue-story, which explains how this book was born, which is a gift from Mirlo to learn to sing. You can listen to it here.
After Ulises’ Song (from Monteverdi's Il Ritorno d’Ulisse in Patria), comes Orlando’s Song (from Vivaldi's Orlando Furioso).
Georgina (author-illustrator) and Manuel Gimferrer, in conversation, tell us a little about what is behind this story. Their conversation begins by explaining the origin of the tale, and the characters that appear in the story, following with an introduction to Vivaldi's music and especially to his operas such as Orlando Furioso. Georgina gives us clues about what the illustrations are like, and ends by sharing some real anecdotes that demonstrate the educational interest of these stories
If you want to get Mirlo's Songbook in eBook format, we remind you that you can find it in our store.
And if you are already on the web3, you can get a digital collectible created from the illustrations of the available book by following this link.
Finally, I want to tell you that we are preparing the audiobook and more projects thinking about how to best serve and help educators, at home and in schools, next year. We will bring you news in July as we progress...
See you soon!