Ulysses' Song · Story and Characters
On our last newsletter, we introduced Cancionero de Mirlo / A Songbook by Mirlo with its Prologue as a tale in Spanish. Today you can listen to another Podcast episode introducing the first “song” again in Spanish “Canción de Ulises”.
We are sorry not to be able to keep up with all translations. Yet if someone reading our newsletter feels like collaborating with Mirlo Studio with good translations, drop us a line and we can talk.
Just as a quick summary:
In the episode Manuel explains where this story comes from and what every character represents: Neptuno, the God of the See who made Ulysses journey back home really tough after the Trojan War; Minerva, the Goddess who protected and advised our hero; Ulysses, the very smart king of Ithaca who provided the idea of the Trojan horse (another story to tell… ); and Penelope, a patient wife and clever queen…
You can find the four of them as digital collectibles.

Moreover if you want to know more about this title, you can already find the ebook Cancionero de Mirlo in our store.

In our next episode, we will talk about Monteverdi and how his music fills with emotions this deeply human story for all ages.
See you soon,
Mirlo, Manuel and Georgina