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#5 El niño que... (The boy who...)
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -4:34

#5 El niño que... (The boy who...)

+ Mirlo Music Announcement

[Scroll down for English translation]

Este es el quinto cuento de la serie que nos lleva “Al encuentro de Mirlo”, y que iniciamos hace dos semanas. El niño va creciendo: se ha situado en SU entorno, va poniendo nombre a sus percepciones, y poco a poco a las sensaciones. Se despiertan las emociones humanas y el deseo… y sobre esto van este cuento y el siguiente, que os traemos aquí, en forma de Podcast. El de hoy es un cuento especial porque por primera vez el niño va a entrar en contacto con Mirlo.

Mirlo es aquí el personaje que va a ofrecer al niño la guía para que pueda expresar sus sentimientos. Mirlo representa al que nos abre el camino para que desarrollemos nuestra personalidad. Mirlo nos da seguridad, medios, fórmulas para nuestro crecimiento y conexión con los demás.

Mirlo Music es la marca con la que presentamos nuestros contenidos digitales, aquellos que estamos recuperando de nuestro viejo catálogo como estos cuentos, y también los que estamos ahora mismo produciendo, como nuestros primeros cromos digitales coleccionables. En la web de Mirlo Music tenéis una primera introducción a estos cromos en forma de NFTs, que vamos a poner a la venta en breve.

Para estar seguir este proyecto más de cerca, os dejamos invitación a nuestro Discord que acabamos de poner en marcha, y donde queremos abrir conversación con todos vosotros.


This is the fifth story from the series about “How I met Mirlo”, which we started two weeks ago. The boy is growing: he knows HIS environment, he is naming his sensations and feelings. Little by little he is getting aware of his human emotions, and soon we will discover the power of wishes… This story and the following one talk about all this, and we are happy to bring them in this Podcast form.

Mirlo is here the character that will offer the boy guidance for him to express his own feelings. Mirlo represents that who opens up the doors for us to develop our own personality. Mirlo provides self-confidence, tools and formulas for us to grow up and connect with others.

Mirlo Music is the brand for us to present our digital contents. Some of them are recovered from our old catalogue, like these ones, and some others are being produced right now, like our very first digital collectibles. On Mirlo Music website you can find a first introduction to this NFTs we have been minting and we are about to start selling.

To keep updated about this project and have a closer look, we leave you here an invitation to our Discord we have just opened, and where we want to open the conversation with everyone of you.

And, now, getting back to the present podcast episode. Let say this is a very special one as for the first time the boy is meeting Mirlo.

Once upon a time, there was a boy who dreamed that he could slide smoothly in the sea. But when he woke up, he realized that he could not swim. So that morning the park he looked for the pond, when suddenly a funny blackbird greeted him, and started a conversation:

- Where are you hurrying to?

- The thing is I want to swim, and as I am a city kid I am looking for a round pond with some clean and clear water to see the fishes swimming there…

- Not so fast, little boy, or you are going to stumble. To find your pond you need to calmly walk down the Canary Islands Palm Trees Alley.

- But, I no nothing about those strange palm trees.

- Don’t worry, I can come with you until the great chestnut… The old Indian Chestnut tree with its pink pompoms greets and welcomes you, as this is where the Alley with the Canary Islands Palm Trees and the Wild Pansies which are starts.

- So, under these palm trees with their magnificent dusters I barely can see the sky and it is suddenly fresh.

- In this gloomy path you are in the company of silence and the the white thoughts that the gardener has planted as Wild Pansies between palm and palm tree.

- And where are those Whit Thoughts leading me?

- Wherever you wish to go. And if you look for your wishes with a lot of enthusiasm you may also reach your dreams.

- The Alley is already opening, and the blue sky is appearing now! Also, a ray of sunshine has come to illuminate my pond!

And the boy met his new friends, the fishes, who showed him how to swim.

And that night, the boy dreamed that the summer was arriving and that we could finally swim with his friends form the sea.

This story does not end here…


Music: Mozart, Flute Quartet in D Major, Malboro Flute Quartet

Author/Narrator. Georgina García-Mauriño

©MirloMusic-All Rights Reserved

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